Tuesday 4 December 2018

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Smart Surfing

Today I worked on Smart Surfing.

I learnt that its hard to say Te Hapara School on voice search

I found it hard to say Te Hapara School on voice search

I found it easy to do Voice Search Fun For Fast Finishers

Next time I need to remember how to use the explore tool

This blog post shows I am a Beginning blogger

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Seeking Help

We were learning about seeking help when things go wrong online. Today I learnt that when you see a mean comment screenshot it.
I found it easy to think of sentences to put on the blog.
I found it hard to make Pete/The Penguin.
I really enjoyed think of sentences for my blog.
Next time I need to be faster on creating this blog.
My Blog Post shows I am a Beginner blogger. 

Friday 19 October 2018

What I learned from Mike Dawson

What I learned from Mike Dawson

This Friday Mike Dawson came to our class and this is what I learned from him.

  • To not give up until your dreams are acclomplished
  • To be nice to people that are poor and give them food
  • Be the best you can be

Tuesday 16 October 2018


We were learning about Netiquette. I learnt that Netiquette means manners.
I found it easy to create a character.
I found it hard to think of things to say for Pete.
I really enjoyed creating a character.
Next time I need to be faster on working.
My Blog Post shows I am Stepping Up .

Friday 21 September 2018

This week I learnt

This week me and Alper learnt how to do Mary had a little lamb on a glockenspiel we had to copy the start of the song but then do the rest by our selves. It was challenging because we had to remember how the song went then we had to remember the keys for the song to do in front of the class. When we were done practising the song. We did it in front of the class I did some then Alper did some of the song then when we were done. Bye. Can you do Mary had a little lamb on a instrument?

Friday 14 September 2018

Fact about wolfs

We are reading a book called Little house on the prairie and it included wolfs and this is what we worked on.

Tuesday 11 September 2018


We were learning about collaborating with others.
I found it easy to create a character.
I found it hard to think of ideas of what to do with your device.
I really enjoyed creating a character.
Next time I need to add more about what to do with your device.
My Blog Post shows I'm Stepping Up.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

I finished my speech!!!

I Finished my speech

This week we did our speech we split into our literacy groups i was with Koka Rozie she called my name out after the first person so i was second. I walked to the stage and while miss was marking the first person I was taking deep breaths and looking at who i was going to talk to Koka Rozie said ready and I waited 2 seconds and spoke. As I spoke I was slightly shaking in my arms. After I was done I ran down to my seat/beanbag. After my speech I felt proud and glad I did it.

Thursday 16 August 2018

My school speech

This is my speech about how to play football. I choose how to play football because Its my favourite sport.It was challenging because I needed to make my speech short so I can say it all in 2 mins or under.Do you like playing football? Tell me in the comments

Friday 10 August 2018

New Chapter Chat Book

New Chapter Chat Book

This term we started a new Chapter chat book called Little house on the prairie.  It's about a family leaving their house and they travel away on an old wagon. The family is Pa, Ma, Laura, Mary, Carrie, Jack, Pet and Patty. They leave their village to build a house in the country. When they were crossing the creek Jack was left behind because he was too scared to cross . Everyone thought he died. But Hooray Jack didn't Die!!!   

Have you ever lost a dog before? 
Tell in the comments below.

Tuesday 19 June 2018


I am Ezra. I am 10. My home city is Gisborne. I like soccer. I have 1 brother and 1 sister.  

I enjoy drawing bike riding, cricket, art and computer. Some goals for this year are to try to get the Principal's Award Shield and I want to learn my times tables. 

At this point I will be looking forward to the Auckland trip. I’m looking forward to Intermediate (sorry Te Hapara) and I am looking forward to my birthday. I don't why.  I get inspired by my dad to get better at boogie boarding.

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends everywhere.