Tuesday 19 June 2018


I am Ezra. I am 10. My home city is Gisborne. I like soccer. I have 1 brother and 1 sister.  

I enjoy drawing bike riding, cricket, art and computer. Some goals for this year are to try to get the Principal's Award Shield and I want to learn my times tables. 

At this point I will be looking forward to the Auckland trip. I’m looking forward to Intermediate (sorry Te Hapara) and I am looking forward to my birthday. I don't why.  I get inspired by my dad to get better at boogie boarding.


  1. make sure you check your work be for publishing it thanks

    1. Thanks Darnise For Pointing It Out

  2. Your writing is really good. Although, it could be a little better by adding detail.

  3. I really liked how you mentoned that you enjoy, riding your bike, because, I do aswell.
    I learnt that you are working on, your times tables.
    Maybe you could do better by posting more on your blog.
    If you would like to see my learning visit my blog https://makauripaiges.blogspot.com/

    1. Thanks for your comment Paige Its really cool that you like biking to again thanks for commenting bye


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