Friday 21 September 2018

This week I learnt

This week me and Alper learnt how to do Mary had a little lamb on a glockenspiel we had to copy the start of the song but then do the rest by our selves. It was challenging because we had to remember how the song went then we had to remember the keys for the song to do in front of the class. When we were done practising the song. We did it in front of the class I did some then Alper did some of the song then when we were done. Bye. Can you do Mary had a little lamb on a instrument?

Friday 14 September 2018

Fact about wolfs

We are reading a book called Little house on the prairie and it included wolfs and this is what we worked on.

Tuesday 11 September 2018


We were learning about collaborating with others.
I found it easy to create a character.
I found it hard to think of ideas of what to do with your device.
I really enjoyed creating a character.
Next time I need to add more about what to do with your device.
My Blog Post shows I'm Stepping Up.