Wednesday 16 September 2020

MAGIC!! Transition


 Me and my friends made a (slightly) magic video. Of us appearing and disappearing. It was hard to pause and resume the video while recording because if you mess up you have to FULLY restart. SORRY NO AUDIO

Friday 11 September 2020

Egg Animation

 Today we did a animation on what could happen when I throw our team egg. Our team name is Dont Yolk With Us. It was hard to make the dancing egg at the end.

Sharp Reading Follow Up!

We first had to read the story Hermans Magpie, Then we had to go to Miss Church to read a paragraph. Then Miss Church told us to go onto our class site and complete the tasks. It was hard to remember what happened so I had to sometimes re-read it. I enjoyed drawing Herman, And make a machine as you will see on the slide. Next time I will be more organised and start more earlier instead of late.  

Wednesday 9 September 2020

My Buddy Scratch Game!!!

Play My Scratch Game!!!
I made a game about my two buddies, this is a simple game I made with a few hard things to code like how It was hard to time everything. I made the sprites by erasing their body and putting it on a drawing. The story is that I lost my buddies so im looking for them. 

Friday 4 September 2020

Gis Int Egg Throw Poster.

 We have been working on our Gisint Egg Throw. So we created a Poster

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Buddy Highlight and Photos

 We haven't seen our buddys in a while because of Lv2, We used to read with them and they used to read with me. My Highlights was playing Reading with them, And I have no Lowlights because its always fun when I go there. Thanks Maddox and Ollie!